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Monday, September 28, 2009

Memorial Bench

On Wednesday Sept.30th, 2009 around 5:30 pm. everyone is invited to stop at trout, bass, swim pond, for the dedication of Neil's bench.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fall Work Day 09

Fall Work Day will be Sunday October 4th, 2009. Dave and Mark were appointed the chairmen of the event. The festivities start at 8am. and a great time should be had by all.

October Meeting

The next regular meeting of the club will be October 2nd, 2009 at 7 pm. President Pooner will be our host.

Two Big Buck

I had a small buck jump across the road in front of me on Thursday 9/10/09. I slowed down to get a better look when I saw the first big buck just off the road looking at me. I dug my camera out and saw a deer that I thought was the original big buck, but it was already at the far side of the field, so a quick snap shot without the focus was all I could get. As I started to pull out I saw the second big buck still low in the field. These pictures are of two different buck.