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Thursday, December 18, 2014

January Meeting / Election of Officers

The January Meeting and Election of Officers will be held Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015 at 1 PM. Come on out and participate or find yourself elected to an office. I have heard that there will be cold beer available and maybe popcorn. 

         Don't forget smoke pole season starts Dec. 26.

         Ice fishing is a little shaky but should improve rapidly.


1st ice this year that was safe enough to get on and put a tip up in ( 2 1/2" )  was Nov. 22. I tried jigging and had one tip up in but never had a bump. I caught this guy trying to get the first bass on my tip up.


2014 Rifle Deer Season Results

This years successful hunters.

Andrew C. 8 pt.

Bob M 8pt.

Capt. Bob 8pt.

Dave W. 8pt.

Eric S. 8pt.

Ned S. 8pt.
Tom S.Jr.7pt.

Meade S. 6pt.

Sean F ( no pic. ) 5 pt.

Joe M. ( no pic.)  4pt.