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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Merry Christmas / Online Magazine

    The Christmas lights have been powered up at the condo. I hope Santa doesn't think I am baiting Rudolph.

  The pursuit Channel is offering a free online deer hunting magazine. I  downloaded an issue and it is very informative. If anyone is interested here is the link to Check it out.

   Smoke stick season opens next week, good luck and keep your powder dry.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

2nd Saturday of Rifle Season 2019

   The second Saturday of season produced some nice buck. The morning started off with Dave W. taking this slammer 10. I can see a trip to the taxidermy shop with this one. 

      D.J. was next to score with a nice 6 point.

     Dave P's. persistences paid off by staying on his post to the end of the day. Dave scored with this nice 8.

Congratulations to all the successful Hunters.

     As Da Yoopers would say or sing, Its The second Week of Deer Camp. Stay tooned to see if Dave's 10 pointer can be beat.

The 2019 Rifle Deer Season Starts

This years deer season has had controversy and firsts for me. The opening day on the Saturday after Thanksgiving has gotten mixed reviews. Hopefully it allowed more people a chance to get into the woods especially kids and college students. There is more of us over the 50 mark in the club than under it so hopefully there will be a younger group to keep our traditions going.
    The Saturday opener was a bit of a surprise. I did not hear a lot of shooting in our area. Rumor has it that the game commission leaked information to the deer on the early opening and the deer took evasive action. We did have two hunters score though.
     Donald took this nice 6 in the afternoon. Unfortunately upon skinning the deer it was discovered that the animal had been injured and the meat was unusable. The game commission took the deer and did issue a new tag at no cost but you do not get to keep the horns.

     Bill took this nice 8 late in the day Saturday. He spent a lot of time working on his stand this summer and it paid off.

     For the first time in my lifetime the traditional Sunday roast beef dinner was canceled do to weather conditions. A few of us kept the Sunday night tradition alive with pizza, a couple adult beverages and tall tales though.
    Mondays weather made the hunt tough. Visibility was at a minimum due to snow clinging to the trees. Fran did manage to take an 8 pointer on Wednesday though.