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Monday, January 11, 2016

First Ice 2016 Bass hole

We finally got safe ice by Saturday 1/9/2016. John, Kevin and I ventured out on 4 inches of ice and  and were soon joined by D.J, Erik, Dave,Tim, Ned, Alex, Bob, Jim, D, and Chuck. The fish soon seemed to want to join us on top of the ice. a total of 9 bass where caught and all were nice. 


John started the day off with the first bass of the day.

Ned put his bling to work and caught this nice bass. 

DJ. caught the lunker of the day a 19and 3/4 inch 4 pounder. Nice fish DJ.


I kept John looking over his shoulder all day.

Dave got a late start but didn't have any problem getting into the bass.
Bass count for day.
Jeff   3
DJ.    2
Dave 2
John  1
Ned   1

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